ville sainte helene casa de arquitetura, luis antonio jorge, flávia zelenovsky sousas sp, brazil
- caption
- View of the outdoor space covered by a 80 meters pergola and the sport building in the background, at night
- keywords
- 41301, Abstract, Abstracto, acceso, access, agua, Architect, Architecure, Architekt, Architektur, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquiteto paisagista, Arquitetura, Aufforstungen, Auteur, Author, Autor, Boisement, Bosque, Brasileiro, Brasileño, Brasilia, Brasilien, Brazilian, Brésilien, Burle Marx, Büro, Casa de Arquitetura, club, clube, cobertura, cobertura metalica, complejo Ville Sainte Hélène, complex, complex facilities, concreto; concrete; beton; concretas; , condominio, condominio Ville Sainte Hélène, Curvas, Curves, edificio de servicios, Editeur, Editora, elemento humano; figura humana; human element; human figure; l'élément humain; faktor mensch, entrada, entrance, estanque, Estudio, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, facilities, Finotti, Floresta, Flávia Zelenovsky, Forest, Forestacion, Forestation, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Freizeit, gate, Green, Grün, Haruyoshi Ono, housing, instalaciones, Landscape, Landscape designer, Landschaft, Leonardo, Loisirs, Luís Antônio Jorge, metal; metall, moradia, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, noite; noturna; night; nuit; noche; nacht, Obra, Office, Oficina, Paisagem, Paisagista, Paisaje, Paysage, pergola, pessoa; person; people; persona; personne, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, piscina, Plaza, pond, portaria, Public, Publico, Publisher, puerta, rampa; ramp; rampe, Recreacion, Recreation, Recreação, Rio de Janeiro, roof, servicios, sistema de iluminação; lightning system; beleuchtung; système d'éclairage; sistema de iluminación, Square, Studio, supporting building, swimming pool, techo, techo metalico, teto, Vegetación, Vegetation, Vegetação, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verde, Verlag, Vert, villa, Ville Sainte Hélène complex, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, Wald, water, Öffentliche