villa itaim arthur casas são paulo sp, brazil
- caption
- View of the right wing, the void between the houses and the terrace swimming pool in the foreground
- keywords
- 157, alvenaria, america del sur, america do sul, amérique du sud, architect, architects, architecure, architekt, architektur, arquitectos, arquitectura, arquiteto, arquitetos, arquitetura, arquitetura exterior; exterior architecture; architecture extérieure; arquitectura exterior; außen-architektur, arthur casas,, auteur, author, autor, bajo presupuesto, br, brasil, brasileiro, brasileño, brasilien, brazil, brazilian, brick, brique, brésil, brésilien, büro, casa, chapa de acero, cidade, city, complejo, complex, cono sur, continent, continente, country, dia; day; tag; día; jour, dois andares, dos niveles, dwell, dwelling, economic, economica, editeur, editora, einzel-haus, ensolarado; sunny; sonnig; soleado; ensoleillé, estudio, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, finotti, fotograf, fotografia, fotografie, fotografo, frontal; frontside; vor; frente; front, habitar, habitação, haus, heim, hogar, home, house, housing, klein, ladrillo, land, leonardo, low budget, madeira, madera, maison, masonry, materiales, materialien, materials, matériaux, mercosul, mercosur, modern movement, moradia, movimiento moderno, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, neoplasticism, neoplasticismo, new york, nova york, nueva york, ny, obra, office, oficina, pais, parede; wall; mur; pared; wand, pays, pequena, pequeña, petit, photographe, photographer, photographie, photography, plaster, publisher, reboco, residencial, residential, revoque, résidentiel, san pablo, sao paulo, sheet steel, single house family, small, south america, sp, stadt, stahlblech, studio, sudamerica, são paulo, südamerika, tôle d'acier, unifamiliar, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , verlag, ville, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, vivienda, wirtschafts, wohn, wohnung, wood, économique, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre