st. pius church franz fueg meggen lu, switzerland
- caption
- View of the nave with the altar in the background on left. Have a look on the alabaster wall detail on right
- keywords
- 295, 29501, Acero, Alabaster, Alabastro, Amarelo, Amarillo, America del Sur, America do sul, Amérique du Sud, Architect, Architecure, Architekt, Architekten, Architektur, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetura, Auteur, Author, Autor, Aço, banco; bench, Bell tower, Blanc, Blanco, Box, BR, Branco, Brasil, Brasilia, Brasilien, Brazil, Brésil, Béton, Béton brute, Büro, Caixa, Caja, Calle, Capital, Center, Centro, Church, Cidade, Circular, City, Clock, Clock tower, Concrete, Concreto, Concreto aparente, Cono Sur, Continent, Continente, Country, Cultura, Cultural, Culture, DF, dia; diurna; day; tag; día; jour, Editeur, Editora, Eglise, Eisen, elemento humano; figura humana; human element; human figure; l'élément humain; faktor mensch, Estructura, Estrutura, Estudio, Fer, Finotti, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Franz Fueg, Gelb, Hormigon, Hormigón visto, Iglesia, Iglesia San Pio, Igreja, Igreja São Pio, interior; indoor; inside; internal; interieur; à l'intérieur; innen, Iron, Jaune, Kirche, Konkrete, Kulturelle, Land, Leonardo, Luz natural, Mercosul, Mercosur, Metal, metal; metall, Modern, Moderne, Moderno, Natural Light, Natürliches Licht, Obra, Office, Oficina, Pais, Pays, Pedra, pessoa; person; people; persona; personne, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Piedra, Prism, Prisma regular, Publisher, reflexo; reflex; réflexe; reflejo; , Regular Prism, Religieux, Religioso, Religious, Religiöse, Reloj, Rundschreiben, S Dois Leste, Saint Pius, South America, St Pius, St. Pius Church, Stadt, Stone, Street, Structure, Studio, Sudamerica, Suizo, Suizos, Suiço, Swiss, Südamerika, Torre, Verlag, Via, Ville, Volume, Volumen, Weiß, White, Yellow, Zentrum, Zollikon