serpentine pavilion 2009 sanaa, kazuyo sejima, ryue nishizawa london, united kingdom
- caption
- Night view of the Serpentine Pavilion and its lower arm
- keywords
- 301, 30102, Ameba, Amorfo, Architect, Architecure, Architekt, Architektur, Arquitecto, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetura, Artes, Arts, Ausstellung, Auteur, Author, Autor, aço; steel; stahl; acero; acier, Büro, cadeira; chair; chaise; silla; stuhl, Cidade, City, ciudad, Cloud, Columnas, Columns, Continent, Continente, Country, Country: Peis, Cultura, Cultural, Culture, Editeur, Editora, elemento humano; figura humana; human element; human figure; l'élément humain; faktor mensch, Equipamiento publico, Espace public, Espacio publico, Estructura de acero, Estructura metalica, Estrutura do Aço, Estudio, Europa, Europe, Exhibición, Exhibition, Exposición, Exposition, Exposição, Finotti, Flor, Flower, Formas libres, Formlos, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Free Shapes, Freie Formen, Freizeit, Galerie, Galería, Gallery, gramado; lawn; rasen; césped; pelouse, Gran bretania, Great britain, Informe, Inglaterra, Iron Structure, Japan, Japon, JP, Kazuyo Sejima, Kensington, Kensington park, Kulturelle, Kunst, Land, Landscape, Landschaft, lazer; leisure; freizeit; ocio; loisirs, Leonardo, Loisirs, London, Londra, Londres, mesa; table; tisch; , Metal, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, noite; noturna; night; nuit; noche; nacht, Nube, Obra, Ocidental, Office, Oficina, Pabellon, Pais, Paisagem, Paisaje, Parc, Park, Parque, Pavilhão, Pavilion, Pavillon, Pays, Paysage, pessoa; person; people; persona; personne, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Public, Public facilities, Public Space, Publico, Publisher, Recreacion, Recreation, Recreação, reflexo; reflex; réflexe; reflejo; , Reino unido, SANAA, Serpentine Gallery, Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, Serpentine Pavilion, Service, Servicio, Shapeless, sistema de iluminação; lightning system; beleuchtung; système d'éclairage; sistema de iluminación, Soporte, Stadt, Steel structure, Studio, Support, turismo; tourism; tourismus; tourisme, UK, United Kindom, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verlag, Ville, Zelt, Équipements publics, Öffentliche, Öffentliche Einrichtungen, Öffentlicher Raum, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre