serpentine pavilion 2006 oma, cecil balmond, rem koolhaas london, united kingdom
- caption
- Night view of the pavilion in the foreground and the gallery building in the background
- keywords
- 033, 03302, Architect, Architecure, Architekt, Architektur, Arquitecto, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetura, Artes, Arts, Arup, Aufblasbare, Ausstellung, Auteur, Author, Autor, aérostat, balloon, balão, Blase, bola, Büro, Cecil Balmond, Cidade, Cilindro, City, ciudad, Continent, Continente, Country, Country: Peis, Cultura, Cultural, Culture, Cylinder, Editeur, Editora, Equipamiento publico, Esfera, Espace public, Espacio publico, Estudio, Europa, Europe, Exhibición, Exhibition, Exposición, Exposition, Exposição, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, fabric, Finotti, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Freizeit, Galerie, Galería, Gallery, Globe, Globo, gonflable, gramado; lawn; rasen; césped; pelouse, Gran bretania, Great britain, Holanda, Holland, inflable, Inflatable, Inglaterra, Kensington, Kensington park, Koolhas, Kulturelle, Kunst, Land, Landscape, Landschaft, lazer; leisure; freizeit; ocio; loisirs, Leonardo, Loisirs, Lona, London, Londra, Londres, Luna, material, Moon, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, Nhe Netherlands, noite; noturna; night; nuit; noche; nacht, Obra, Ocidental, Office, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Oficina, OMA, Pabellon, Pais, Paisagem, Paisaje, Parc, Park, Parque, Pavilhão, Pavilion, Pavillon, Pays, Paysage, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Portugais, Portugiesisch, Portugues, Portuguese, Public, Public facilities, Public Space, Publico, Publisher, Recreacion, Recreation, Recreação, reflexo; reflex; réflexe; reflejo; , Reino unido, Rem Koolhas, Serpentine Gallery, Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, Serpentine Pavilion, Service, Servicio, sistema de iluminação; lightning system; beleuchtung; système d'éclairage; sistema de iluminación, Soporte, Sphere, Sphäre, Sphère, Stadt, Stoff, Studio, Support, Tela, Tissu, UK, United Kindom, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verlag, Ville, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, vista geral; general view; Überblick; descripción general; présentation, Zelt, Équipements publics, Öffentliche, Öffentliche Einrichtungen, Öffentlicher Raum, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre