instituto tomie ohtake ruy ohtake são paulo sp, brazil
- caption
- View of the colorful and winding plinth with the chapel in the foreground
- keywords
- 087, 08709, America del Sur, America do sul, Amérique du Sud, Aparente, Architect, Architecure, Architekt, Architektur, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetura, arquitetura exterior; exterior architecture; architecture extérieure; arquitectura exterior; außen-architektur, Artes, Arts, Ausstellung, Auteur, Author, Autor, Basamento, BR, Brasil, Brasileiro, Brasileño, Brasilien, Brazil, Brazilian, Brut, Brésil, Brésilien, Building, Béton, Büro, Centro Cultural, Cidade, City, Colores, Colorful, Colorido, colorido; colorful; couleur; farbe; color, Colors, Concrete, Concreto, Cono Sur, Continent, Continente, Cor, Cores, Country, Courtine wall, Cultura, Cultural, Culture, Curvas, Curves, dia; diurna; day; tag; día; jour, Edificio, Editeur, Editora, elemento humano; figura humana; human element; human figure; l'élément humain; faktor mensch, ensolarado; sunny; sonnig; soleado; ensoleillé, Esculturas, Estudio, Exhibición, Exhibition, Exposición, Exposition, Exposição, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, fachada: facade; façade; fassade, Finotti, Flat, Formas libres, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Free Shapes, Freie Formen, Freizeit, Galerie, Galería, Gallery, Hall, Halle, Hormigon, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, janela; window; fenêtre; ventana; fenster, Konkrete, Kulturelle, Kunst, Land, Leonardo, Loisirs, Mercosul, Mercosur, Muro cortina de vidrio, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, Obra, Office, Oficina, Ohtake, Oscar Niemeyer, Pais, Pays, pessoa; person; people; persona; personne, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Plinth, Plinthe, Predio, Publisher, Recreacion, Recreation, Recreação, Ruy, Sala, Sao Paulo, Sculptures, Skulpturen, Sockel, Socle, South America, SP, Stadt, Studio, Sudamerica, Südamerika, Tomie Ohtake, Tomie Ohtake Cultural Center, Tomie Ohtake Institute, Torre, Torres, Tower, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verlag, Ville, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, Visto, Zócalo, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre