eichwaldli lussi+halter luzern lu, switzerland
- caption
- View of the exterior space and the cafeteria on the south side of the building
- keywords
- 143, 14304, 5.Caracteristicas (Materiais, acabamento, Architect, Architects, Architecure, Architekt, Architekten, Architektur, Arquitectos, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetura, Auteur, Author, Autor, Bar, Bildung, Building for disabled people, Bürgerbeteiligung, Büro, cadeira; chair; chaise; silla; stuhl, cafeteria, CH, Cidade, City, Civic, Civico, Coffee, Compact, Compacto, construção de madeira; wood construction; construction de bois; construcción de madera; bau von holz, construção de metal; metal construction; konstruktion aus metall; construcción de metal; construction métallique, Continent, Continente, cor, Cultura, Cultural, Culture, dia; diurna; day; tag; día; jour, Edifício residencial para deficientes, Editeur, Editora, Educacion, Education, Educação, Eichwaldli, ensolarado; sunny; sonnig; soleado; ensoleillé, estrutura, Estudio, Europa, Europe, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, fachada: facade; façade; fassade, fechamento, Finotti, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, fundos; back; fonds; fondos; , Heim für geistig Behinderte, Hogar, Hogar para discapacitados mentales, Home for the Mentally Handicapped, Immeuble résidentiel pour les personnes handicapées, janela; window; fenêtre; ventana; fenster, Kulturelle, Leonardo, Lucerna, Lucerne, Lussi+Halter Architekten, Lussi+Halter Partner AG, Luzern, Madeira, madeira; wood; holz; madera; bois, Madera, mesa; table; tisch; , natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, Obra, Ocidental, Office, Oficina, Other Keywords, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Prism, Prisma, Publisher, Recreacion, Recreation, Recreação, reflexo; reflex; réflexe; reflejo; , Remo Halter, Residencial, residential, Residential building for the disabled, revestimento; cladding; revêtement; revestimiento; beschichtung, Résumé, Stadt, Studio, Suiza, Suizo, Suizos, Suiça, Suiço, Swiss, Switzerland, textura) Abstracto, Thomas Lussi, Three-Storey, Tres Niveles, Tres Pisos, Trois étages, Três andares, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verlag, vidro; glass; verre; vidrio; glas, Ville, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, Volume, Wood, Zusammenfassung, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre