house in finland Brasil Arquitetura, francisco fanucci, marcelo ferraz helsinki, finland
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- View of the living room volume and the corridor´s stone wall from southwest
- keywords
- 110, 11004, Alvar Aalto, Anne Dieterich, Architect, Architects, Architects: Francisco Fanucci, Architecure, Architekt, Architektur, Arquitectos, Arquitectura, Arquiteto, Arquitetos, Arquitetura, Auteur, Author, Autor, Bosque, Brasil arquitetura, Brasileiro, Brasileño, Brasilien, Brazilian, Bruno Levi, Brésilien, Büro, Carpentry, Carpintería, Casa, casa de campo; field house; cottage; cabaña; hutte, Casa de Verano, Casa de verão, Casa Isabella, chaminé: chimney; cheminée; chimenea; schornstein, Cidade, City, ciudad, Conception, Continent, Continente, Country, Country: Peis, Cícero Ferraz Cruz, Decoration, Decoração, Dekoration, Departamento, Design, dia; diurna; day; tag; día; jour, Diseño, Dwell, Dwelling, Décoration, Ecologica, Ecological, Editeur, Editora, Einzel-Haus, Equipamiento, Estudio, Europa, Europe, exterior; fora; outdoor; outside; external; à l'extérieur; außen, fachada: facade; façade; fassade, Finland, Finlandia, Finotti, floresta; mata; forest; woods; wald; forestales; forêt; tue; tötet, Forest, Fotograf, Fotografia, Fotografie, Fotografo, Francisco Fanucci, Furniture, Gabriel Grinspum, Habitar, Hanko, Haus, Heim, Hogar, Home, House, Housing, Interior, Intérieur, Isabella, Isabella Haus, Isabella house, Isabella village, janela; window; fenêtre; ventana; fenster, Land, Leonardo, Lina Bo Bardi, Luciana Dornellas, Madeira, madeira; wood; holz; madera; bois, Madera, Maison, Maisson Isabella, Marcelo Ferraz, Mobilier, Modern, Moderne, Moderno, Moradia, Moveis, Muebles, muro; wall; wand; pared; mur, Möbel, natureza; nature; natur; naturaleza; nature, Obra, Ocidental, Office, Oficina, Pais, Pays, Pedra, pedra; stone; stein; piedra; pierre, Pedro Del Guerra, Photographe, Photographer, Photographie, Photography, Piedra, Pinar, Pinheiro, Publisher, reflexo; reflex; réflexe; reflejo; , Residencial, Residential, revestimento; cladding; revêtement; revestimiento; beschichtung, Résidentiel, Single house family, Stadt, Stone, Studio, Summer house, São Paulo, Unifamiliar, vegetação; vegetation; la végétation; vegetación; , Verlag, vidro; glass; verre; vidrio; glas, Villa Isabella, Ville, Ville Niiranen e Mikko Kääriäinen, vista exterior; exterior view; vue extérieure; aussenansicht, vista geral; general view; Überblick; descripción general; présentation, Vivienda, Wohn, Wohnung, Wood, Écologique, Ökologische, árvore; tree; baum; árbol; arbre